Obama implies you can't oppose his plan for reasons other than political ones. But in fact, we oppose it because it would destroy the best health care system in the world and would be one of the final nails in the coffin of America's free enterprise system. That's not politics, Mr. Obama; it's our survival as a free people.
The unvarnished truth, Mr. President, is that you are the one who won't consider proposals from the other side, other than your transparent feint to tort reform. You will not consider market-based solutions because you don't believe in the market. Otherwise, you would not spend half your waking hours devising ways to destroy it and demonizing the profit motive (as in this very speech) -- the fuel that drives economic productivity.
In this spirit of harmony, Obama also threatened to "call out" those who misrepresent what's in the plan, which presumably means he'll re-enlist his network of snitches to report to the White House those who attempt to set the facts straight.
Just imagine the singular audacity of a man who says he "will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future" -- when the Congressional Budget Office already contradicts him on that claim, when it's impossible for him to know, in a dynamic economy, whether it will happen, and considering the government's history of vastly understating the costs of government-run health services, such as Medicare Part A and Medicaid. If he were really about cutting costs, he'd support market reforms, such as health savings accounts, and ending mandated coverage and tax laws incentivizing employer-provided insurance.
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