Arguably the most liberal member of the House of Representatives, look for Schakowsky to pack the gym with her SEIU and ACORN goons.
When I walk inside that night, I'll recall Gollum's words to Frodo and Sam as they approached Cirith Ungol in The Return of the King:
We could out-pack the packers and fill Niles West with Americans who stand up and say "No" to expansion of government, "No" to runaway deficits, and "No" to ObamaCare.
Changing Sckakowsky's mind on these issues will be as easy as convining Miss America judges to award the sash and tiara to Gollum, but the media presence at this town hall will be extensive--Skokie is just 15 miles from downtown Chicago, and much of the local media lives nearby.
Town hall. Skokie. August 31.
Bring signs, wear patriotic gear.
Related post:
Leftist congresscritter calls Tea Parties "shameful" and "despicable"
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I am proud to have Schakowsky as my rep. Care to show some proof of these goons you talk of? I sense some projection coming from your end...
I agree with Sabra. I'll be at the Town Hall. I support Obama's reform efforts, and hope I can have calm, rational *fact-based* discussions with folks who disagree.
At her last one in June, those brave enough to offer views to the right of Jan...were shouted down.
I didn't attend that one, but trustworthy people I know were there.
Then there is this:
The presence of union thugs at these meetings was no accident but was facilitated by leftists and Democratic members of Congress. The Soros-funded lobbying group Health Care for America Now! (HCAN) strategy bulletin Fight Back against the Right has made the rounds on leftist websites. Its underlying principle – turn out left-wing activists to drown out conservative citizens – has been accepted by members of Congress. “If they wanna organize, we’ll out-organize them,” said Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-IL, a member of the House Progressive Caucus and a former Chicago community organizer. “If they turn out 100, we can turn out 200.” Eyewitnesses have noted SEIU and other union activists are being sneaked into reserved seating at the meetings, presumably with the knowledge of the Democratic Congressmen.
More from the same article:
At least one leftist Congresswoman has seen the value of launching such high-profile, raucous protests before. Jan Schakowsky has experience turning violent mobs into legislative victories. Schakowsky, who sounded similarly negative themes about this spring’s tea parties, organized a senior citizens’ protest against then-Congressman Dan Rostenkowski over the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988. As Rostenkowski exited a meeting with the leadership of local seniors groups, an angry mob demanded to speak to him. Rostenkowski, who made no such promise, ran to his car. Senior citizen then pelted his vehicle with protest signs, and shouted “Killer! Killer!” as he tried to drive off. Although Rostenkowski never changed his mind on the issue, 240 other Congressmen changed theirs and repealed the bill. Schakowsky later called this “a pivotal event.”
Yet when left-wing MSNBC interviewer Lawrence O’Donnell asked Schakowsky if she “organized this very organized protest,” Schakowsky dissembled: “No, no, no, no, actually not. I was there that day as head of the [Illinois] State Council of Senior Citizens, very different. The Congressman would not come in and talk to that group of seniors, who were upset about the catastrophic health care bill that didn’t provide long-term care to seniors…The motivation was different. The action was very different.”
Schakowsky sang a different tune in front of the 2003 “Take Back America” conference, boasting, “When I was director of the Illinois State Council of Senior Citizens, our group was chasing Dan Rostenkowski down the street.”
The article was written this month.
So is anyone who is a member of a union, and is at a town hall meeting *automatically* a thug? And how do you define "thug?" Did they menace your witness in any way?
And I'd be curious as to which statements to the right of Schakowsky were shouted down. For example, were they blatant lies about "death panels" or "euthaniasia?" I'll patiently listen to fact-based arguments opposed to Obama's plan, might even concede some points. But if someone gets up and calls Obama a Nazi, I'll shout at them myself.
I just hope that all sides get to express their POV. I am totally inline with some sort of reform but I think we need to look at driving the cost down first and then pay for it. Tort reform, simplification/standardization of reimbursement forms along with electronic medical information/claims processing is probably the best start. Then paying for it will be easier (Make everyone happy).
it's Mike Volpe of the Provocateur. Hopefully, I will catch you there.
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