They come to look you over and they're giving you the eye,
Goon squad,
They want you to come out to play,
You'd better say goodbye
"Goon Squad,"
Tonight at 6:30pm, single-payer health care advocate Jan Schakowsky, arguably the most liberal member of the House of Representatives, will hold a town hall meeting at Niles West High School in Skokie.
There will be a conservative presence there--including myself.
But Schakowsky will probably try to pack the house with her goons.
It's just what she did at her last town hall, as Joel Pollak recounts in the American Thinker:
At a town hall meeting on health care in June -- before the nationwide outrage over the current legislation -- I asked my congressional representative, Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), how she could promise that the public option would merely compete with private insurance, given that she had boasted in April that "a public option will put the private insurance industry out of business." She flatly denied ever having made the statement.
When I replied that her speech was on YouTube for all to see, a man three seats over from me shouted: "Shut up!" Another man across the room yelled, "I want to put them out of business," and several people applauded. "Well," I said, "I have private insurance and so do many people in the district, and we don't want to lose it."
Later, as I left the meeting, a woman followed me. "Do you work for an insurance company?" she demanded. "I bet you own a nursing home." I replied that neither was true, though my mother once worked in nursing homes as a physical therapist.
"Oh, physical therapists are the worst!" she cried. Turning to a companion, she gestured at me and added: "You see? This is what we have to watch out for."
Schakowsky has likely made the call to her goons to make the trip to Skokie:
"If they wanna organize, we'll out-organize them," said Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-IL, a member of the House Progressive Caucus and a former Chicago community organizer. "If they turn out 100, we can turn out 200."
Doors open for the town hall at 5:00pm. Patriots: Arrive early.
Media presence will likely be instense, and this is your opportunity to be heard and reverse the leftward push in America.
UPDATE 8:48am CDT:
Andrea Shea King reports that Obama's political arm, Organizing for America, plans to send members of its astro-turf army to tomorrow's town hall being held by Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL).
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