Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Anti-ObamaCare rally Aug. 22 at Rep. Dan Lipinski's Chicago office

The Chicago Tea Party Patriots organization has informed Marathon Pundit that an anti-ObamaCare protest will take place outside the Chicago office of Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) next weekend.

Lipinski, who essentially inherited his office a few years ago from his father, is counted among the undecideds as far as ObamaCare goes, but at least now, my guess is that he favors it. Pat Hickey of ...With Both Hands concurs.

Here are the details on the rally:

Congressman Dan Lipinski's office
6245 S. Archer Avenue, Chicago
Saturday, August 22

Bring signs and wear patriotic gear.

I can't make this one....have to work.

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1 comment:

pathickey said...


Neither will Dan 'be able to make it.' Money Marbles or Chalk - Alamo Dan will be 'out of town.'