The speculation is that she will now focus on a national political run, which can only mean the presidency.
It's an odd move, since lack of experience was one of the knocks against her during her vice presidential run.
But she's come from nowhere--no Ivy League education, no family with clout, to get where she is, so don't count her out.
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Under Alaskan law, as I understand it, any citizen can file an ethics complaint by just filling out a form. Sarah Palin was being harassed with dozens (hundreds) of baseless ethics complaints that were time consuming and expensive to defend against. I think she just got fed up with it and said, "You know what? I don't have to do this." It will be very interesting to see where she goes from here.
She noticed the present occupant of the White House needed absolutely no experience to win the office and figured "why do I have to put up with all this harrassment?"
I don't blame her.
For some reason she drives a certain political group nuts. That alone assures I'll vote for her.
It seems unfortunate for Governor Palin that she cancelled funding for the Bridge to nowhere, as it seem she could use it now to get to her final destination. To Borrow a somehwat altered line from "The American President" "The time it will take you to go from Governor of Alaska to cocktail party joke can be measured with an egg timer."
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