Rule number one in releasing news that could be unpopular is to announce it on a Friday, as the White House did when it revealed the nomination of Brendan Johnson as the US Attorney for South Dakota. Johnson is a common name...could he be related to Tim Johnson, the man pictured on the right?
Yep, as AP reports:
The Obama administration announced Johnson's nomination on Friday. Sen. Tim Johnson, a Democrat, has said he would not be part of the nomination process.
The senior congressional delegation member of the president's political party typically puts forth a name for consideration.
The younger Johnson said because his family connection removed that usual link, he sought the support of South Dakotans of both political parties and sent the application directly to the new administration.
Johnson is a 34-year-old partner with the Sioux Falls law firm of Johnson, Heidepriem, Abdallah and Johnson, which he joined in 2005.
Sounds just like Illinois politics. Oh wait, Obama is from Illinois. How could I forget!
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