The top of the pyramid gets soft, and the other side takes over.
For more information, google search "2006 Democratic takeover of Congress."
Politicians need to be reminded that they work for us, and they need to be always looking over their shoulder.
With that in mind, I'm going to start small, with an Illinois legislative race in taking place thirty miles north of where I live. The Democrats run everything here, perhaps it's time to look at a different strategy to take back Springfield.
From a press release:
Overtaxing the people is immoral” says Lake County Man.
Lake County, Illinois-Paul Mitchell, of Hainesville, a candidate for the Republican nomination for State Representative in the 62nd District, spoke before an estimated 200 people this past Independence Day at the Palatine Tea Party about the importance of morality in government.
Quoting John Adams famous remark that "Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other," Mitchell told the cheering crowd, "I say, taxing the people into destitution is immoral!” Mitchell went on to stress the importance of morality as an element of the conservative agenda. He told the crowd that they must work for a culture of life, a culture of liberty, and a culture of prosperity.
Mitchell told the crowd, gathered under rainy skies for the demonstration, that they must find conservative candidates to support, even if that meant running for office themselves, as he is doing.
Later, Mitchell explained that he is running against two-term Republican Repesentative Sandy Cole of Grayslake, whom he describes as "a social liberal", noting that she had this session voted in committee for an extremely pro-abortion bill, which later died in the House.
"That bill," explained Mitchell, "would have repealed Illinois' parental notification law on abortion, it would have mandated sex education beginning in kindergarten, and it would have protected abortionists who harm women from malpractice suits, among other bad points. Whether you count yourself as pro-life or pro-choice, that bill was pro-abortion, and extremely so. I don't believe that Lake County voters want a pro-abortion extremist representing them in Springfield."
A spokesman for his campaign said, "Paul Mitchell is a regular guy who is stepping out of his comfort zone to offer an alternative to the arrogance of the entrenched liberals on both sides of the aisle. Paul is “change you can believe in”; changing from a culture of death to a culture of life; from a culture of crushing taxation on the middle class and the poor to a culture of keeping what you earn; from a culture of oppression to a culture of liberty. Three things that always accompany tyranny, he says, are economic depression, a culture of death, and religious oppression, and where we find one of these, the others will be advancing."
We are experiencing that in Illinois, says Mitchell, but it is not too late to turn it around.
Visit his website at
For more on the Palatine Tea Party, see
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