Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blago returning to the radio

Are you ready for successive Sundays Rod Blagojevich on the radio? Well Blago will be back on WLS-AM, "the Big 89," on July 19 and 26, from Noon to 2pm.

WLS has a strong signal, so if you're within 200 miles of Chicago that day, you should be able hear Blago's delusions about what a great guy he really is.

Or you can listen in on the internet.

The disgraced former governor filled in for the vacationing Don & Roma on the same station a few months ago.

I'll miss the first show, look for me in San Francisco that day.

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Calculon said...

Is that right? Did they cancel Rush?

Marathon Pundit said...

Oh no. This is Sunday. Limbaugh is on during the week.