Sunday, June 21, 2009

Detroit's "booty boy" cops

As a newshound, I can tell you with great confidence that the strangest stories come out of Detroit. Such as this one from the Detroit Free Press:

In pockets of southwest Detroit, they were known as the Booty Boys -- two Detroit cops with a reputation for conducting stop-and-frisk searches on men that went too far.

But within the Detroit Police Department, Sgt. Michael Osman and Officer Michael Parish are considered accomplished officers with awards to reflect good police work.

The two versions of Osman and Parish have emerged in U.S. District and Wayne County Circuit courts in suits against the city.

So far, 11 people have claimed that Parish and Osman arbitrarily stopped them and performed illegal body cavity searches, and in some cases, grabbed the men's genitalia. Police department policy allows for body cavity searches only with a warrant and when performed by a physician.

Related post:

Large scale farming may be coming to Detroit

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