Wednesday, June 17, 2009

David Harsanyi asks, "What's the big hurry?"

Like myself, Denver Post columnist David Harsanyi is alarmed about Barack Obama's hurry-up offense approach to gettting things done ramming stuff down our throat.

Weren't we promised some methodical and deliberate governance from President Barack Obama? Where is it?

The president claims that we must pass a government-run health insurance program — possibly the most wide-ranging and intricate government undertaking in decades — yesterday or a "ticking time bomb" will explode.

If all this terrifying talk sounds familiar, it might be because the president applies the same fear-infused vocabulary to nearly all his hard-to-defend policy positions. You'll remember the stimulus plan had to be passed without a second's delay or we would see 8.7 percent unemployment. We're almost at 10.

A commonly utilized Obama strawman states that "the cost of inaction" is unacceptable. "Action," naturally, translates into whatever policy Obama happens to be peddling at the time.

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