Monday, May 18, 2009

Obama-mobiles will destroy auto industry

We're in a recession, and the auto industry is, with the possible exception of the housing market, probably in the worst financial shape of any business segment.

So what does Barack Obama have in mind for autos? Price increases!

More change I can't believe in:

President Barack Obama plans to propose the first-ever national emission limits for cars and trucks as well as average mileage requirements of 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016 — all costing consumers an extra $1,300 per vehicle. Obama's plan couples for the first time pollution reduction from vehicle tailpipes with increased efficiency on the road. It would save 1.8 billion barrels of oil through 2016 and would be the environmental equivalent to taking 177 million cars off the road, senior administration officials said Monday night.

This awful offal started in California--isn't that state broke?--because the erstwhile Golden State has emissions standards that go beyond the federal ones. Keep in mind Californians drive more than most Americans, and much of the populace lives in arid or semi-arid areas--there is less rain to clean the atmosphere.

Having one standard for auto makers is a good idea, but why do we have to follow the lead of those idiots in California?

The eunuchs who run Chrysler and General Motors have no choice but to be pulled by Obama's leash and build expensive Obama-mobiles, which no one knows how they will perform.

Obama's Change will destroy the auto industry.

Or it have us taking the bus everywhere, which is maybe what his ultimate goal is.

Related posts:

Obama in full hypocrisy mode in comments about gas guzzlers

Stop Illinois HB 422--Don't let California politicians tell Illinoisans what to drive

Illinois could surrender its sovereignty to California

What's the Matter with California?

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1 comment:

El Rider said...

The bottom line is that most people have no clue as to the damage wrought by the CAFE standards.

It is preferable for these politicians to watch an auto maker go bankrupt than it is for them to raise the tax rate paid by individual buyers depending on their choice of auto. Linking the tax charged to the pollutant output of the vehicle would leave the Big 1 1/2 to pursue market share with autos that consumers want and such a tax would actually directly influence consumer decisions.

CAFE is a failure and one of the few serious people to figure this out decades ago was the great auto writer Brock Yates.