In Illinois, tax beaters traveled to Springfield to protest the Governor Patrick Quinn's proposal to raise the state income tax by a whopping 50 percent.
The Illinois Policy Institute's executive vice president Kristina Rasmussen spoke to her fellow tax beaters at the Tuesday rally about Illinois' fiscal mismanagement, which was captured on video:
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I first heard the label "tax eaters"
or "taxeaters" from Vienna, Illinois, State Representative Cl> McCormick.
That was way back in 1972.
Known for his speeches about how big mosquitoes are in Southern Illinois, he was in the same district as the infamous Paul Powell.
CL was a premier porkster. He once got a line item in the budget for a bridge which connected to no roads.
He observed that once the bridge was built, the road would follow.
Intersting insight, as always, Cal.
For those of you youger than 50 or not from Illinois, Paul Powell is considered by many to be the most crokked pol in Ill. History. And that is saying a lot.
Vienna, I wa there a year ago, is in far southern Ill, near Kentucky.
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