Protecting America was the main topic this afternoon. As regular readers of this blog know, the Obama administration's policy on releasing details regarding the enhanced interrogation techniques has been anything but consistent.
Bond hit the ground running during the call, telling bloggers, "We're seeing national security decisions made based on politics, not what's in the best interest of keeping Americans safe." Bolstering his point, the senator cited the upcoming closing of the Guantanamo Bay detention center--without a backup plan, the release of the CIA enhanced interrogation memos--without explaining the effectiveness of these controversial techniques, and finally, the administration has decided to make public photographs of War on Terror detainee abuse.
Bond then rhetorically asked, "What is this administration's strategy regarding the terrorist threat and keeping America safe?"
During the question and answer, Bond brought up the strong influence that George Soros and MoveOn.org have on the administration and its decision process, and the ongoing suffering by some Democrats of Bush Derangement Syndrome. He also reminded listeners that unlike the Bill Clinton way of treating terrorist attacks as "individual criminal acts," after 9/11, President Bush decided to use our intelligence and military resources to protect us.
"What is their strategy to keep us safe?" Bond again asked. Throwing insults at Bush, he reasoned, is not the for the way for the administration to go.
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