Friday, April 03, 2009

Budget passes Senate with no GOP votes, two Dem defections

Last night the Senate passed the proposed 2010 budget. Not a single Republican voted for it, and two Democrats, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Evan Bayh of Indiana--voted against it.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky issued the following statement about the budget:

Over bipartisan opposition, Democrats in Congress passed a budget that clears the way for massive amounts of spending, for the biggest tax hike in history and a doubling of our already crippling national debt. It is a budget that puts the economy on an unsustainable course.

Although Democrats rejected several efforts to control spending, create jobs and cut the debt, Senate Republicans were able to slam the door on using the fast track process to jam through a new national energy tax. The strong bipartisan vote on this issue should serve as a clear warning to those involved in crafting the final budget: Americans vehemently oppose a new national energy tax that would hit them every time they flip on a light switch, watch TV, or drive the family car.

Bad budget, yes. But it could have worse. Cap and trade was removed.

Related post:

Senate passes anti-cap and trade amendment

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