From the London Telegraph:
Prince Charles told 200 business leaders in Rio de Janeiro that the world has "less than 100 months" to save the planet.
"As the world's economy heads further into recession, it would be easy to lose sight of the bigger picture; to commit the sin, as we say in England and if you will pardon the terrible pun, of 'not seeing the wood for the trees.' For we are, I fear, at a defining moment in the world's history.
"We are facing a series of challenges so immense that we can, perhaps, be forgiven for feeling they are all too forbidding to confront."
In his speech, Prince Charles quoted Chico Mendes, the great Brazilian environmentalist, who said we are all "fighting for humanity."
It's 20 degrees Fahrenheit in Morton Grove, Illinois right now. The average March low is 28 degrees.
And as they say on Monty Python, and now for something completely different:
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The end of the world is at hand,
repent repent repent, says Prince
Albert before he went into the can!
Fuck William Furburger man!
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