Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama makes Special Olympics gaffe on Tonight Show

Like most people, I know someone who participates in Special Olympics. She runs track and bowls.

So I wonder how she feels about the wisecrack Barack Obama made about Special Olympics while on the Tonight Show?

THE PRESIDENT: I bowled a 129. (Laughter and applause.)

Q: No, that's very good. Yes. That's very good, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something. (Laughter.)

Do you see what happens when you separate Obama from his beloved teleprompter?

As for the woman I know--Special Olymics isn't just for kids--her sports participation means the world to her. She's won quite a few medals.

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pathickey said...

Without the Teleprompter -

'It was like I told them Irish N#$$^$s the other day -don't where them Lampshades in front of the Camera! Keepin' it Real!'

Jim Roper said...

Bite Me, You miserable Prick!