Saturday, February 07, 2009

Katrina in Kentucky--Where were the feds?

After Hurricane Katrina put most of New Orleans underwater, President Bush was harshly criticized by the Democrats for the feeble federal response to the crisis.

Reason Magazine wonders about President Obama's response to the last week's devastating weather disaster.

The ice storm that slammed the American mid-south in the last weekend of January and then moved onward to the East Coast has left an estimated 1.3 million people without power. And nowhere was hit harder than Kentucky, where some 700,000 people lost electricity and 24 deaths were attributed to the storm. Yet President Barack Obama only declared the state a major disaster area this week. What took so long? Where is the presidential compassion for the victims of this tremendous disaster?

Prairie Bluestem is one of those Bluegrass state residents who lost power--for 10 days her home was without electricity, at least part of the time.

H/T to Instapundit.

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