Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Honeymoon is over: Quinn picks man with Blago and Rezko ties for top post

"The Ordeal is Over."
Illinois Governor Patrick Quinn shortly after being sworn in last month.

Well, maybe the ordeal isn't over, as the Chicago Tribune's Clout Street blog reports:

Gov. Pat Quinn on Wednesday installed as his chief operating officer an appointee of ousted predecessor Rod Blagojevich who also has close ties to convicted fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko.

The decision to name longtime friend Jack Lavin as one of his top aides raised eyebrows with some who said it might send a message of politics as usual in Illinois.

"Certainly he comes with some baggage that we have to be very sensitive about at this moment in our state's history, but personally I want to work with everyone right now to make sure we get through the very serious problems we're facing," said Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno of Lemont. "I can only hope the governor has fully vetted his association and knows full well that they won’t in any way, shape or form interfere."

Lavin served as Blagojevich’s director of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity after Rezko recommend Lavin for the post. Lavin once worked as the chief financial officer for Rezko's food-related business and took more than $12,000 in donations from Rezko’s firm while toying with a run for elected office in 2001.

Surely there are better people than Lavin available to be Illinois' COO. Prior to Blago's unhappy reign, Republicans lived in the governor's mansion for 26 years.

There's probably a person or two from that time who would take the job.

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1 comment:

El Rider said...

Quinn's photo is now up at McCormack Place, noticed it yesterday while leaving the Auto Show.