Friday, February 06, 2009

Ag Sec Vilsack peddling ethanol

Despite massive federal subsidies, the ethanol industry continues to sputter. So will it fade away like a restaurant that serves bad food from a crummy location, as it should? Not if former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack, an ethanol addict who is now Agriculture secretary, has his way.

Bloomberg is reporting that his Agriculture Department is in talks with the Environmental Protection Agency to essentially bail out ethanol interests by increasing the amounts of corn liqueur in gasoline.

Sadly, Barack Obama swoons over ethanol too.

When will people wake up and realize that it takes almost as much energy to create ethanol as get get out of it? Some say ethanol is an energy net-loser. Even if ethanol made scientific sense, there is not enough arable land in the United States to create enough of the stuff to satisy our energy needs.

Addiction is a horrible ailment.

Someone needs to confront Vilsack and Obama with the truth.

Related posts:

Ethanol alert: Former Iowa Gov. Vilsack to be named ag secretary
Ethanol responsible for 15 percent of Iowa's greenhouse gases
Ethanol bailout next?
Ethanol backlash in the Midwest
Largest West Coast ethanol plant shuts down

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