Thursday, January 15, 2009

When will it be a trillion-dollar stimulus?

From AP:

Barack Obama's economic recovery bill has grown to perhaps $850 billion after negotiations with his Democratic allies in Congress, who have rewritten some of the president-elect's tax proposals and may drive the price tag even higher.

You know it will be $1 trillion soon.

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Jim Roper said...

That's a whole "Lotta" cabage!

pathickey said...

By President's Day - President Elect/President Obama will say 'I'd rather be waterboarding at Wisconsin Dells!'

Holder/Blago/Burris/Fitzy/Rezko/Bruner/ UCMC/Ambassador Rice/Clintons (H & W)/SEIU/Angry Lefties will make a handsome bed of nails.

Jim Roper said...

The Obamamessiah wants a stimulus
Pkg, To stimulate his Pkg!

Jim Roper said...

There is a new T.V series in the
works. It's called the 1 Trillion
Dollar Man, starring Barack Obama.