The prayer service was organized by U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), who has accused Senate Democrats of using racial motivations to refuse to seat Burris, Illinois' first statewide elected black official. On Sunday night, Rush called the Senate "one of the last bastions of plantation and racial politics in America" and said Senate Democrats who won't seat Burris are "going to have to come and ask for forgiveness" from black Americans.
Keep in mind that Blago first offered the Barack Obama Senate seat to another African-American, Rep. Danny K. Davis, a congressman from Chicago's West Side.
Ascertaining Blagojevich's motives is a tricky business, but I think it's safe to say that the gangster-governor is using race to make a point that he still is in charge of state government. Rush cannot, or chooses not, to see that.
Congressman, you are a Blago-enabler.
Click below for more Rush outrages.
Moron on Cong. Bobby Rush--Christian minister voted against House Christmas resolution
Cong. Bobby Rush no longer facing double foreclosure
Moron Congressman Bobby Rush
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Blago's Burris appointment reminds of George Ryan releasing the Mahaffey brothers and other assorted murderers.
I just don't understand why race still matters to the blacks? It should be all over by now. we elected a black man as president. Why don't all you old guys who still use race in your battles just up and die out already.
Us younger guys have more important stuff to do.
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