And prison is where George Ryan is right now. He's serving a six year sentence for fraud and extortion.
Boyle overlooks that stubborn fact. But let's take a look at Boyle, who possesses some pretty out-of-the mainstream views. Writing in Counterpunch, he proposes impeaching then-President George W. Bush. He supports Hawaiian independence. (What does Barack Obama have to say about that?) Boyle appeared on the O'Reilly Factor four days after 9/11, arguing against a military strike.
Okay, for some people, the "Impeach Bush" movement was middle of the road, but Hawaiian independence? Puh-leaze!
Oh, Boyle also favored impeaching Bill Clinton, but not for Whitewater, Monica Lewinsky, or perjury.
Mainstream media reporters left out these details in their reporting of this story.
Why I am doing the mainstream media's job? Because as former Senator Fred Thompson said in front myself and a few other bloggers in St. Paul last year, "We need new media."
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Wow Gold, sounds like subliminal
chicken scratch to me?
Giving George Ryan a nomination for
a Nobel Prize, sounds like a "Bill
Ayers" move. Maybe those two are
Ah, Prof Exposed, details inside.
Rewarding George Ryan with the Nobel Peace prize is a just one more nail in the coffin of commom sense. What is it about these criminal politicals that make people feel neccessary to reward them? George Ryan trashed the oath of office and stole from the people he swore to protect..there is no criminal lower then the one who violiates the trust of public office..His position on Capitol Punishment was no more than a smoke screen to focus the attention away from his lining his back pockets..Keep him locked up and treated like the theif he really is.
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