Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bush, Blago, and "Spamalot"

This afternoon Little Marathon Pundit and I traveled to Chicago's beautiful Auditorium Theatre for a performance of "Spamalot." I missed the first time around in Chicago, the play actually made it's world premiere in the city.

It's an enjoyable show, although nothing can ever top the film it's based on, which is of course "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

Veteran actor and miniseries king Richard Chamberlain was terrific as King Arthur, and he sings quite well--remember, Chamberlain is in his seventies.

There where at least a couple of recent revisions of the "Spamalot" script.

The French Taunter, played by Matthew Greer, adds a jab at former President Bush along with such classic lines as "Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries."

Thrown in was. "And we throw shoes at your ex-presidents!"

There was mild applause.

Moving on the second act, Greer, this time playing the lead Knight Who Says Ni, lets loose his sharp tongue on impeached Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Telling Arthur and his loyal servant Patsy that he and his troupe were no longer the "Knights Who Say Ni," but instead, and he goes on for quite a while with his new torment, adds " a son of a bitch. You pay to play...he has a bad toupee."

That bit was sung to the tune of the Beach Boys' "Barbara Ann."

The theatergoers responded with roaring approval.

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