Chicago Tribune: Lake County sheriff's party switch offers opportunity to slam Democrats
Ex-Supreme Court justice doesn't believe court can remove governor
Crain's Chicago Business: Major local cement supplier talking with Feds in Blago case
AP: Source: Ill. gov nixed job for Jackson Jr.'s wife (I'll add my thoughts tomorrow.)
Chicago Sun-Times: Daley turns up heat on Blagojevich to 'do the right thing'
CBS 2 Chicago: State offices feel strain of gov's legal problems
Daily Herald: Obama Senate seat getting cold fast
St. Louis Businss Journal: Blagojevich's arrest cost Illinois $20 million
AP: Impeachment panel meets, then adjourns for the day
Chicago Sun-Times: Blagojevich story dominates national news, PEW study finds
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Blagojevich's lawyer will speak to impeachment panel on Wednesday
More Blago-bits Wednesday night.
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No opinion from Mr. Obama,
regarding the Blago-Blunder? He
had to have known Blago was up to
no good. Mr. Obama is much too
busy polishing his Halo to comment
on the Blago scandel.
The Douch Bag Motel. Mr. Pundit
Captain numbnuts to the rescue!
Ok Rubenberry Pundit We will slow
down shortly.......
Blago rules Blago rules.
David Axelrod is King!
I am your Marble guy, I have come
to replace the marbles you have
David Axelrod rules.
Rush Limbaugh is your man, if he
can't do it no one can!
Good night moron!
John Wind Bag Rubenberry!
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