Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Reverse Spin on the Blago scandals

As brazen (I heard and read the word a lot yesterday) as the charges are against Governor Rod Blagojevich are, the worst is yet to come for the Chicago Democrat, and the state party.

And my friend Dan Curry of Reverse Spin explains why. And Curry says Obama "is not out of the woods."

He mentions something about a piece of property, behind some woods, actually a grove of trees, next to Barack Obama's mansion that Rita Rezko, Tony's wife, once owned.

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Anonymous said...

With All those evergreens, how
did Rezko ever get in and out of
that mansion?

Marathon Pundit said...

There is no street access into the "Rezko lot." A wrought iron fence prevents that. To cut the grass, workers have to cut through Obama's back yard.

whosebone said...

Does anyone else notice this is shaping up to be a repeat of the corrupt clinton administration?

Is it too early to say I told you so?

Don't blame me, I voted for the 'Cuda.