Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Formal Blagojevich impeachment proceedings may begin soon

Preliminary but serious talk regarding impeaching Governor Rod Blagojevich goes back to to the spring, led by Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago).

Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, also a Chicago Democrat, circulated papers about a possible impeachment in June. Among the fourteen pages was this passage:

One thing we learned from the (imprisoned former Republican Gov.) George Ryan case is that we should excise a tumor when it is first discovered; not leave it in the body to continue to spread and do further harm.

Madigan, who has never been politically close to Democrat Blagojevich, is also the chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party.

Fritchey told Crain's Chicago Business this afternoon that he already spoke to Madigan about putting forth an impeachment bill in Springfield.

As with the US Constitution regarding impeaching and removing a president, a simple majority of the Illinois House can impeach a governor, but it takes a two-thirds vote of the state Senate to remove the state's chief executive.

Fritchey has a blog, which he doesn't update as often he'd like. So far nothing on "Blago."

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