Friday, December 19, 2008

Chicago bar with naked Palin painting will soon have Blago in the buff

Bruce Elliott attracted international attention to the Chicago bar his wife owns when his painting of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was put there.

To Elliot, Palin's greatest crime was Republicanism.

However, the artist is working on a new work, featuring Illinois' Democratic governor, Rod Blagojevich, as the Chicago Tribune reports:

I was stunned when I found out what that criminal complaint [outlined]," Elliott said as he examined the painting in his Old Town studio. "Hopefully, someone is going to find this irreverent."

Irreverent hardly begins to describe it. The scene imagines Blagojevich handcuffed and wearing an orange jumpsuit pulled down to his knees.

Among the onlookers is a guard, with a look of grim determination, pulling on a rubber glove.

The painting, which is taking Elliott a little over a week to finish, is titled: "The Cavity Search."


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Levois said...

You know I'm not sure I wanted to hear it when Daniel Walker said that when he found his way to federal prison he was also strip searched. In his case he would say it was random as if this was something personal against him. Now why this artist is going there is another question.

Marathon Pundit said...

They were pretty rough on Walker. For those who don't know, Dan Walker, a north suburban Democrat, was governor from 1973-77.

He went to prison too, not for anything he did while guv, but for an S&L failure in the 1980s.

Jim Roper said...

Eww is right, I wouldn't care to
see a painting of Blago in the
buff. Palin however is a different