The best video about the recently concluded presidential election is the one you can watch here, courtesy of John Ziegler.
The interviewer asks Obama supporter after Obama supporter, for instance, if they knew who Nancy Pelosi (She's the speaker of the House), or Harry Reid (Senate majority leader) were.
This, as much as anything does, shows the "celebrity" created by the illuminati MSM. They like him because they like him- great reason to elect a president, right?
Obama, he be a good man. Ham be
gettin a bad rap from da republicans.
This, as much as anything does, shows the "celebrity" created by the illuminati MSM. They like him because they like him- great reason to elect a president, right?
Obama is an Arrogant bigot, & so
is his wife. And electing him
because they like him, is a lame
reason to be sure.
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