Saturday, November 22, 2008

Forty years ago today: Beatles "White Album" released

It was on this day in 1968 that the album titled The Beatles, but better known as "The White Album," was released.

It was a monumental achievement by "The Fabs," as if they didn't have any others.

The highlights? "Back in the USSR," "While My Guitar Gently Weeps,"
"I'm So Tired," and "Martha My Dear," to name just a few.

The lowlight: "Revolution #9."

Thanks to Little Marathon Pundit for bring this anniversary to my attention.

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Anonymous said...

What year did Strawberry Fields
song come out?

Marathon Pundit said...


Anonymous said...

Have any info on John Lennon?

Marathon Pundit said...

I did a post on him after Mahesh Yogi, the Maharishi, died.