Schakowsky is a big supporter of that anti-free speech bill, the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," that would shut down talk radio, the one medium conservatives dominate.
Local talkers have mentioned on the air that her politico husband, Robert Creamer, is a convicted felon.
That didn't stop the Barack Obama campaign from hiring Creamer as a trainer for Camp Obama last year.
Name the extreme left cause, and Schakowsky favors it. The Illinois' Ninth is a Democratic district, but it is not San Francisco.
This fall, Ninth District voters have a credible alternative to Schakowsky, entrepreneur and Air Force veteran Michael Younan, the Middle Class Maverick, and the son of Assyrian immigrants.
I will be voting for Republican Younan tomorrow.
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Already voted, last week - and it sure as heck wasn't for Jan (or, Durbin, or any democrat from, or in, Illinois).
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