So does Barack Obama.
The Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, which are never confused with the Wall Street Journal, are urging passage of the bill in editorials today.
From the Times:
Resistance to the pact by labor unions and human rights organizations, both here and in Colombia, remains stiff. And with an incoming Democratic administration, the deal faces significant new obstacles. But the gamesmanship between Democrats and Republicans, unions and rights groups should not obscure one fact: The agreement is good for Colombia and good for the United States.
The pact would balance and normalize a trade relationship that is now one-way. Colombia has almost unfettered access to U.S. markets -- 91% of its goods enter duty free -- but U.S. products face tariffs of up to 35%. Each Caterpillar truck sold in Colombia, for example, is taxed more than $200,000. This is a hindrance to prosperity for both countries. Currently, about 9,000 U.S. businesses export to Colombia, and were this deal passed, that number would skyrocket.
The Post expresses the same sentiments:
Democrats in Congress, regrettably echoed by Mr. Obama on the campaign trail, frame their objections not in economic but political terms, arguing that Colombia has a dismal record on human rights. This characterization defies all reality. Since President Álvaro Uribe's first election in 2002, murder has declined by 40 percent; kidnappings have fallen by 75 percent. Supported by the United States and by a huge majority of the Colombian people, Mr. Uribe's firm but professional military approach has decimated the Marxist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (known as FARC), which once threatened to render the country ungovernable. Mr. Uribe has also brought right-wing paramilitary groups to heel. When evidence emerged recently that some of his troops had killed innocent people to inflate enemy body counts, Mr. Uribe fired 27 army officers and soldiers, including three generals.
This bill would clearly mean more jobs for Americans--always a good thing--but especially so during the troubled economic environment we find ourselves.
It would mean more jobs for Colombians--and that would be the perfect "Thank You" note to send.
But it appears that shortsightedness--by the Democrats--may win the day.
Not good.
Will Obama be more interested in placating the nutjob leading Venezuela, Hugo Chavez?
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Any nation that has stood by America like Columbia has is going to be treated like dirt by the Obama regime. Chavez and all his crowd will be given the warmest possible welcome.
Yeah, but they'll invite Hamas to
join them.
Them "Dems" are at it again. And
with Obama, well it's anyone's
guess what's going to happen there.
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