It's a big deal. But once the Election Day came and went, there was some good news--even though my guy lost. At least the Stalin-esque personality-cult artwork would be packed away.
I was wrong. That's downtown Chicago--probably LaSalle Street. Those banners were put up at city expense (What deficit?) by city workers (What layoffs?).
The Cult of Change lives on.
H/T to The Radio Patriot.
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Stalin-esque is right. Comprehensively effin said. I want to believe that Obama won't be as bad as some people think, but I'm quite sure, that at best, he won't be as good as most people hope he will be.
I wish this site had come out earlier, I had some Obamabot friends finding out that they had big differences with Obama's positions:
Years ago I was knocked off the voting rolls here in this very Blue City when I was a Republican, on election day I found out I was knocked off as an Un-Affiliated. Next time I should register as a Democrat, maybe I won't get knocked off then.
The biggest dangers come from the Left anyway, so my votes in this Blue State's closed primaries would be more important there.
Telling Moonbats I'm a Democrat would stop some in their tracks too, maybe making it easier to chip away at the false veneer of so-called 'progressivism'.
Let's hope he does well, at least not too badly, with the least amount of despair possible. May God Bless and help guide President Obama. And may God Bless and help save America! Keep the faith!
absurd thought -
God of the Universe hates
history either way
America WILL survive
we MUST still fight for freedom
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
ELECT socialism
let the young people see
survive the false promises
creating MORE jobs
will spread NEW wealth around
- it is NOT finite
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
give up the search for truth
stop trying to show people
how the world really works
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
Bush was worse than Hitler
and Stalin and Mao
and Castro combined
All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. If there is no freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
POTUS-Elect BHO Thrills Earth!
So THAT'S where my property tax dollars go!
obama's victory will help chicago garner even more tourist dollars, as well as the olympics. i find the claims of "stalinism" hilarious since they're made by people who had no problem sporting those creepy, sycophantic "w" stickers, labeling as "unamerican" anyone who dared disagree with the republican party, and who supported illegal eavesdropping on the american people, including troops overseas.
When was the last time you saw a "W" sticker?
Y'know what, maybe Obama's cult not Stalin-esque.
I think it's more Mao like. Obama has two books, Stalin none. But Mao had his Little Red Book.
Obama Obama, you bring new meaning
to the word Traffic congestion!
The posters were paid for out of the Mayor's own campaign fund & didn't use city dollars.
Do you not pay attention to any news?
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