"Still unrepentant, unrepentant, still unrepentant after all these years."
Bill "Bomber" Ayera was interviewed by Chris Cuomo on ABC's Good Morning America.
He made some interesting comments. "Those of us who fought to end that war," Ayers said of Vietnam, "were actually on the right side." As is usually the case with 1960s anti-war radicals, there was no mention the 2 million or so "Boat People" who fled the "workers' paradise" after the the fall of Saigon.
Ayers, now an education professor, said nothing about the "reeducation camps" set up by the Communists after their victory.
Of the charge that Barack Obama began his political career, Ayers essentially denied it, but added of their 1995 "coffee" in his living room, that it was "the first tie we had ever really met."
Oh really? By that time, Obama was chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a project Ayers had secured the $50 million in funding for, and Ayers remained closely involved in the endevor.
Ayers is unhappy with conservative bloggers, which put forth a "dishonest narrative," Ayers remarked, "to demonize me."
Well Bill, you and your Weather Underground did some pretty nasty stuff, including bombing the Pentagon, the US Capitol, and a police station.
What about that "smash monogamy" campaign?
What about the Weather Underground's plot to explode a nail bomb at Fort Dix? That bomb detonated unexpectedly, killing three members of the terror group?
As we approach the holiday season, I have to borrow a phrase from "How The Grinch Stole Christmas":
Bill Ayers you "Stink, stank, stunk."
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Ayers, you're a rotten "Banana"
with a Greasy black "Peel"!
Ayers, you're a rotten "Banana"
with a Greasy black "Peel"!
Ther's a lot more like Ayers in
this country. It's extremely
unfortunate' but it's true!
ayers and good mouring amerika I think both should be banned from the air ways. Maybe banned is not enough
Bill Ayers is a real "TOOL"!
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