Thursday, October 30, 2008

An Obama presidency: Four years of darkness

Pat Toomey of National Review Online paints an unhappy picture, a dark one, of an Obama presidency.

And it might be literally dark--since Obama's energy policies will please only the environmentalists.

Read and weep.

But there is a better way. Vote McCain-Palin in five days.

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Anonymous said...

I thought the world came to an end in 92 when Clinton was elected.

Weren't conservatives crybabies saying the exact same thing then? Yes, dear John. Yes, they were.

Isn't time y'all grew up? The reason the public holds such a low opinion of the conservative candidates these days is that all you guys ever do is whine and moan instead of talking about actual ideas and plans.

Marathon Pundit said...

Naw, I wasn't depressed...I thought we'd win it back in 1996. It sorta happpened, we won Congress two years later.

Obama is much further to the left than Clinton, but he won't have a GOP Congress keeping him in check (if he wins that is).

Jimmy Carter was a one-termer.