Here's the copy:
GOVERNOR CHARLIE CRIST: Hi, this is Governor Charlie Crist.
Let me tell you why I support my friend John McCain.
He will lower your taxes.
He will stop wasteful government spending.
And John McCain knows that people don't want to "spread the wealth."
He knows that Congress should let you keep more of your money, and not take it away.
Thank you very much.
ANNCR: Your savings, your job and your financial security are under siege.
Congressional liberals will make it worse.
Congressional liberals plan nearly a trillion dollars in new government spending.
To pay for it, Congressional liberals promise higher taxes on American families making over $42,000 a year.
Barack Obama and Congressional liberals call it spreading the wealth around, we call it higher taxes, bigger government.
Either way, it will cost you.
Stop 'em before they make it worse.
Paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee.
JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
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"John McCain knows that people don't want to 'spread the wealth.'"
"He knows that Congress should let you keep more of your money, and not take it away."
Yeah, right. That's why the old fart voted to give $700,000,000,000 of taxpayer's money to bail out Wall Street. What a joke.
Obama and both houses of Congess voted for it.
Yes, and the leader of the "Socialist for the Rich" Party, George W. Bush, signed it in to law.
George Bush could not have "signed it into law" unless the democrat controlled congress (9 percent favorable rating) didn't send it for his signature.
Meanwhile, the stock market is giving us its opinion of our economic future under an Obama administration.
Watch what happens to the market should the polls begin tightening, showing McCain has a chance.
And if you're a betting man, bet that is exactly what will happen.
Don't be a short-seller right now!
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