Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Major announcement: Marathon Pundit to appear on Milt Rosenberg Show Wed. night

Milt Rosenberg has hosted Extension 720 on WGN-AM since 1973. It's a thought-provoking "long talk" show that airs most weeknights at 9:00pm Central Time. Wednesday's show will start a little later.

He deserves national attention, and has finally received it in an awkward way. Twice in the last two months, supporters of Barack Obama tried to disrupt Rosenberg's show when critics of the Illinois senator appeared on the show. (The Obama campaign turned down the chance to have a person on the air to counter the opponents' views.)

There will be no such mischief tomorrow, even though I will be on the show Wednesday night analyzing the final presidential debate.

It will be internet only--WGN--the Voice of Chicago--just added the Chicago Blackhawks to its broadcasting arsenal, and the hockey game will be carried on 720 AM in Chicago. However, since the show will feature bloggers--an internet exclusive show is an appropriate medium. Listen in on on WGN Radio 2 right after the debate--probably around 9:30pm CT.

One other conservative blogger, joined by two liberals, will be in the WGN studio with me in Chicago's stately Tribune Tower for the the debate about the debate.

Related posts:

Stanley Kurtz and Milt Rosenberg follow-up

Obama thugs threatening free speech

Report from the Fred Thompson bloggers' brunch

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Anne said...

Way to go, John!

You're going to end up with your own radio show one of these days!:)

pathickey said...

Rubes! Light up those phones!

'This MP with the stats and stax for all you Jills and Jacks! Now, this sizzlin' platter goes out to Billy Ayers - "Gimme Shelter" covered by The Bay City Bombers! Watch out, now!'

CNB said...

I'll be lurking across the street, watching for Obama's Action Storm Troopers. We got yer back, John!