If I am elected president, I will also act immediately with reforms to restore fairness, integrity, and financial sanity to the institutions that have failed us on Wall Street. We will apply new rules to Wall Street, to end the frenzies of speculation by people gaming the system, and to make sure that this present crisis is never repeated.
We must also realize that this rescue plan has serious implications for future spending. We cannot dedicate more than a trillion dollars to rescue failing institutions, and then go right back to business as usual in Washington -- as if there were no end to the resources of government or to the patience of taxpayers. Therefore, as president, I will impose a one-year spending freeze on every agency of the federal government, excepting only national defense, the care of our veterans, and a few critical priorities. Leadership requires candor. And I will tell you bluntly that America is already ten trillion dollars in debt, and to make our economy strong again we must reduce the burden of federal spending. We cannot tax our way to prosperity. I am committed to billions in spending reductions that will balance the budget, and get us on the path away from ruinous debt.
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I'm sorry, didn't he just vote to pass the 700 Billion in "bailout" legislation?
If Obama said what McCain said, he'd be labeled as a liar.
I'm struggling to tell the difference between them.
Or does McCain get a "pass" because he's (allegedly) on the right side?
The initial bailout bill was a 'have to' case. It was sent to congress on 3 pages with a $700 Billion request, it came out of congress over 400 pages long and totaled over $1.2 trillion. I'll bet you my next paycheck against a stale donut that McCain doesn't have any pork in the bill that passed and Hussein O and his left wing cronies have enough to fatten several million black welfare hogs.
Firefighter, you're conveniently forgetting that McCain (and a lot of other "conservatives") voted FOR that bloated bill.
Man up. Call it what it is. If a politician votes for a pork laden bill, even if they're not the authors of the bill, they are just as culpable as the Hussein Obama's of the world.
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