Here's Berg's video:
Simply put, I believe Obama--he was born in Hawaii--and he's, to use the constitutional term, a natural-born citizen.
Still, Berg has a free speech right to express his opinion. And Tracy of No Compromise has a right to have him on her show. If Berg is wrong, and I believe he is, listeners can call in and debunk him.
BlogTalkRadio has taken a different tact--and there is one less talk show on the internet. Did the Obama-goons go after Tracy? As I've documented many times here, the Obama campaign has problems with variations of their version of the truth. So I have my suspicions.
From No Compromise:
I scheduled a show with Attorney Phil Berg who has filed a lawsuit against Barack Obama for not being a US Citizen therefore he is an illegal alien.
My show was terminated at the beginning of the show. Why? The BTR assistant Director of Customer Relations, Shannon Dingee-Kramer stated that my show was, "racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, unreasonably violent, threatening, intimidating or harassing; 2. contains falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage BlogTalkRadio or any other person; (BTR red emphasis–not mine!)
In other words, those who claim to be for free speech are afraid of it when they see it, or hear it in this case! It might offend someone and that’s far more important to protect than the American Principle of exercising the flow of speech in the arena of public ideas.
Please be polite, courteous, but firm when e-mailing BlogTalkRadio to protest pulling Tracy's show. Here a couple of e-mail addresses suggested by Tracy:
Phillip Recchia–
Amy Domestic–
This is not how a free society is supposed to conduct itself.
Related posts:
Stanley Kurtz and Milt Rosenberg follow-up
Obama thugs threatening free speech
Obama's "Ministry of Truth" operating in Missouri
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The lawyer who filed the suit said he would dismiss it, if Obama will just present the required records, one which is the vault copy of his birth certificate, which is not the same as the one floating on the internet.
Below is a petition someone started to get Congress to settle the Berg lawsuit by having Senator Obama present the records requested. The real story is why Obama is fighting the case and not just producing the documents.
Here is the link to the petition;
Sign the Petition : 16,325 Letters and Emails Sent To Congress So Far
Mr. Obama has refused to produce the documents and is trying to fight the court order to produce the documents.
Any American should be able to prove citizenship in less than a day. Why can’t Mr. Obama?
No question Obama is NOT a US citizen!
Just ask the Puma's who researched this matter for Hillary. They PROVED he was not born in the states!
They found EVIDENCE of a PLOT going back 47 years to when Barack "Manchurian Candidate" Obama was ALLEGEDLY born in Hawaii - the PLOT was SO GOOD it even included putting his "birth announcement" in the newspaper in Honolulu.
Grow up MORONS!
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