It appears that Biden hasn't changed his mind.
Speaking at a fundraiser in Seattle on Sunday night, Mr Biden said: "Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here . . . we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
He cited Russia and the Middle East as possible places that may cause problems, as well as the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan – "crawling with al-Qaeda" – as being of particular concern.
Mr Obama would need help and support, Mr Biden suggested, "because it's not gonna be apparent, initially, that we're right." He then spotted the media in the room, "I probably shouldn't have said all this because it dawned on me that the press is here."
I don't think our enemies need to test President John McCain--a strong supporter of freedom. Remember, McCain supported the troop surge even before President Bush did. Just this morning, McCain said in Bensalem, Pennsylania, "I'm not afraid of the fight, I'm ready for it."
This morning Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) appeared on Fox & Friends to discussing Biden's revealing remarks.
Here's what was said:
Fox News' Gretchen Carlson: "So let's take a look at what Joe Biden said over the weekend when he was out in Seattle. He basically said that if Obama is elected within six months there will be some sort of an international incident because international leaders, I guess, will see it fit to do something against the U.S. How did you take these comments?"
Gov. Pawlenty: "Well, it's not the first time that people like Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or many others have suggested that Barack Obama isn't ready to be president, doesn't have the requisite experience to be president and the last thing the country needs is a president who the world might be tempted to test. We need a candidate who is going to have passed the test. John McCain is respected around the world because of his national security, military, and foreign affairs experience. The country is struggling economically and in many other ways and we don't need the added pressure of some sort of invitation or temptation by others to see that kind of weakness. This is not coming from me or from somebody on our side, this is coming from his own vice presidential candidate, Joe Biden, who repeatedly has suggested Barack Obama's not ready."
Carlson: "Well he did at least when he was one of his competitors and they were debating against one another. So, do you think it's still in his mindset that he would say something like this?"
Gov. Pawlenty: "Well, I think Senator Biden is sometimes, you know, makes a lot of interesting comments but you see the situation, for example, in Georgia or Ukraine. There could be temptations by other countries to say look maybe this is a time where we test this potential new president. That kind of temptation wouldn't be as high in my opinion if you had a seasoned experienced known commodity steady hand on the throttle like John McCain."
Obama: Not ready to lead.
Presidents face crises. But remember, Biden said "a generated crisis." Even his running mate believes that Obama is viewed as week by our enemies.
Election Day is in two weeks.
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Joe Biden is consistent.
Biden is a bonehead... a VERY poor choice for VP.
Still, even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then, huh?
Nice turn of a phrase, GB.
Thanks as always. Pat.
I don't believe Biden meant that to be a defeating message. I believe that since Obama is half African American and that it would be a big change in America and the world, people will want to test him and his ability.
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