Simply put,to Obama, Ayers is much more than what he said he was, just "a guy from my neighborhood." So when Obama's Svengali, David Axelrod, claimed this morning that the junior senator from my state didn't know about "the history," that is Ayers repugnant leadership of the Weather Underground, well, I don't know whether to scream, laugh, or cry.
Among the bombing targets Ayers claims credit for are the US Capitol (Where Obama works when he is not on the campaign trail) and the Pentagon building.
Apologists about the relationship have claimed that Ayers is part of the Chicago mainstream. This is complete crap. He is part of the far-left mainstream. Yes, Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley worked with Ayers, now a University of Illinois (my alma mater) education professor in the early days of Chicago's school reform--it is crucial to remember that Ayers' father, CEO of the Chicago area's electric utility until the early 1980s, was a friend and confidante of Daley's father, the Richard J. Daley, "The Boss," who of course was Chicago's mayor too.
That's how things are done in Chicago.
The apologists are also claiming that Ayers' existence within academia upset no one until his Obama ties became known. More crap. I did my first Bill Ayers post in 2006, and Ayers thumbing his nose at America--while standing on the flag--has drawn the ire of conservatives for years.
But let us remember how smart Barack Obama is. Can we take seriously claim by the "Axelrod of Evil" that Obama did not know of Ayers' bombings.
Obama and I were born in 1961. Okay, at the time of the Weather Underground terror campaign, I didn't know about them. Neither did Obama. By the time I was in high school, I did--the group and others like them came up during high school history lessons. Obama probably heard about the Weather Underground the same way, or through radicals he knew while he was in his teens such as Frank Marshall Davis, a onetime Communist.
As I have a couple of times before, I'd like to focus on this passage from The Audacity of Hope:

In my teens, I became fascinated with the Dionysian, up for grabs quality of the era, and through books, films, and music, I soaked in a vision of the sixties very different from the one my mother talked about: images of Huey Newton, the '68 Democratic National Convention, the Saigon airlift, and the Stones at Altamont. If I had no immediate reasons to pursue revolution, I decided nevertheless that in style and attitude, I, too, could be a rebel, unconstrained by the wisdom of the over-thirty crowd.
Do you really think Obama did not know of Ayers' violent past? What kind of person "pals around with terrorists."
In Ayers's Fugitive Days,
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No direct connection YET, John, but it looks as if the relationship could go back as far as 21 years.
Did I read that right?
Did Obama say that the Saigon Airlift was one of the images of the 60's that his mother spoke about?
If Timothy McVeigh got a PhD and taught at University of Illinois, instead of being executed as a murdering terrorist, I wonder if Obama would have overlooked his momentary lapse in judgment and found political enlightenment over his dinner table, too.
Rashid Khalidi, Tony Rezko, Pastor Wright and Father "America is the Greatest Sin Against God" Flager...
What in the world is going on here?
GB...Could be..
Yo...It's in the Cult of Change leaders book!
Bob...Or Kaczynski...
Wow. When did images of the 60's get extended into the mid-70's?
I was concerned with Obama's reputation, his associations, his heavy port side listing and all of that; but his inability to properly read a calendar might actually get me to give McCain a second look.
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