Okay, I'm partisan, but here it goes--I thought Sarah Palin delivered a great speech tonight at the Republican National Convention.
I had a good view of the crowd from the balcony, and the enthusiasm for Governor Palin was genuine.
Right now I'm in the RNC press filing center, preparing for a live video presentation run by Flopping Aces.
More blogging to come.
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I will be the first to admit that I am not in the target audience for the speech, but it seemed like it was written for the benefit of the delegates in the hall and not the middle American voters that will decide the election. I'm surprised that this late in the campaign and so long after McCain wrapped up the nomination they are still working on the base and giving Obama exclusive access to the independent voters that will decide the election. Maybe McCain will go there tomorrow but right now this looks like two days of missed opportunity.
Let me maybe help you to understand better, dem...
McCain didn't have a good hold on the Republican base. For heaven's sake, there was serious talk of him running as a democrat with Kerry last election. His "maverick" status has had him voting against the desires of the republican base quite often.
I am solidly conservative and had no intention of voting for McCain.
That is, until he surprised the Hell outta me and took Palin as his V.P..
Now I'm energized.
I think maybe millions of others are too...
Younger folks looking for real change, NOT just talk?
John McCain's speech is now irrelevant.
This election is over, as of tonight. We'll just go through the motions until November.
Greybeard. For a variety of reasons, you're right, McCain's speech was overshadowed tonight. I'm hoping for a surprise announcement...
I don't have inside info, but ANWR?
dem, I'm not sure that you've got your finger on the pulse of middle America and the republican conservatie base. You've got it wrong. The republican base is crucial for a McCain win. Absolutely crucial. Middle America IS the republican base. McCain's choice of an unabashadly conservative woman is a brilliant stroke, and one that I believe will propel him to the White House. This choice will bring the base out in droves. A large percentage of the base had decided to sit this one out before Palin was chosen.
I will bet that al the kids at Bob Creamer - The CheckKite Runner -Camp Obama were up at dawn doing wind-sprints and bear crawls!
Must be a bile chocked morning all over Obama-Land!
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