The focus during the interview, which carried in over into the post-segment analysis with the Tammy Bruce and the Chicago Tribune's Clarence Page, was that Ayers committed these acts forty years ago. Sorta true. Ayers and the Weather Underground didn't start its terror campaign until 1969, and Ayers personally placed a bomb in a Pentagon men's room in 1971. Okay, almost forty years ago.
But Ayers and his equally unrepentant ex-terrorist wife, Bernardine Dohrn, lived as fugitives until 1980. That moves up the time line a bit. The duo lived on the margins of society by stealing identities of deceased children. Charges against Ayers were dropped because of prosecutorial misconduct, although Dohrn spent some time in jail for contempt of court.
A jury never found them innocent. Okay, yeah, innocent until proven guilty, I know. But the pair flaunted the law. Ayers phrased it perfectly: "Guilty as hell, free as a bird—it's a great country."
Fast forward a few more years: Ayers becomes a professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago, and Barack Obama re-settles on the city's south side after graduating from Harvard Law School. Obama and Ayers work together (How much remains to be seen) on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, serve together on the board of The Woods Fund--Ayers was its chairman for a while. But most importantly, Obama, in 1995--less then forty years ago--launches his political career in the Ayers-Dohrn home, pictured above.

Regarding his notorious past, Ayers was asked by the Times he would do it all again. "I don't want to discount the possibility" was his reply.
Also in 2001, Ayers, in response to those who believe the United States is a great country, says that "It makes me want to puke."
It's not just about 1969. And remember: Obama chose to associate with this radical.
And Ayers is "Guilty as hell, free as a bird."
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"And what do we have for the bonus round, John?"
"Well, Greybeard, we have the Right Reverend Jerry Wright, the ever non-apologetic Bill Ayers, and the yet to be truly heard from Antoin 'Tony' Rezko."
"Wow John, that is quite the lineup. But truly, the focus should be on the main event"
"That's right GB! Even if we don't get to the 'Bonus round', there's still plenty of action on the table! At just under 60 days from the election this candidate is literally coming apart at the seams!"
"CORRECT Johnny! There's certainly more fun to come, and we MAY YET make it into that great bonus round!"
Stay tuned folks.
I can't wait. Hey, how come O'Reilly didn't bring up Rezko?
Preflighting the aircraft and doing admin stuff John, and I've not yet caught O'Reilly.
I'll catch him later tonight. Anything in particular surprise ya?
Obama said that he hasn't talked to Ayers in a year and a half.
Which means that he talked to Ayers a year and a half ago.
I was saddened to witness Clarence Page toss off his dignity and go so deep into Obama's Spin.
I thought that Mr. Page shilled sadly.
A journalist would know and be replused by the synergy that allows cockroaches like Ayers and Dohrn to whitewash their history and ours.
A paycheck is a sword of Damocles over all of our conciences I guess.
Also, it sure appears that FOX pulled their horns in after the Murdoch/Ailes/Axerod/Obama come-to-Jesus pow-wow.
Billo could have pressed the Ayers issue which is somuch more important than the Crazy Uncle Jere stuff.
Ayers/Obama/Foundations/Universities/lawyers/ and balsa spined politicians are so much more dangerous.
"Which means that he talked to Ayers a year and a half ago."
No, it means that's the last time they talked in the presence of witnesses who can't be counted on to keep silent.
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