I like the end of this commercial--with the "Change is Coming" graphic.
Here's the script of the ad:
ANNCR: In crisis, experience matters.
McCain and his Congressional allies led.
Tough rules on Wall Street.
Stop CEO rip-offs.
Protect your savings and pensions.
Obama and his liberal allies? Mum on the market crisis.
Because no one knows what to do.
More taxes.
No leadership.
A risk your family can't afford.
JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
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It's hilarious to watch McSame in a panic as he frantically struggles to switch gears after decades of being anti-regulation! Why can't Republicans ever take responsibilty for their actions?
McCain has proudly pranced around declaring himself the biggest de-regulator there is for the past 26 years in Washington.
One of his top economic advisers, Phil Gramm, not only complained that Americans concerned about the economy were "whiners" (his word) but he himself was the chief architect of the very same deregulation legislation that is at the heart of the current credit crunch and mortgage crisis.
After 26 years of "greed is good" policies, now we Americans are supposed to believe Sen. McCain magically has any sort of experience, let alone practical know-how, for putting the referees back on the economic playing field after he and his top guys have been the ones yanking them off that same field?
Don't overdose on Dramamine after spinning so much, Mr. Ruberry. No wonder poll after poll shows McCain tanking big time -- so much so that he's know wussing out on the first debate.
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