Thursday, September 11, 2008

Local Dem resorts to anti-Republican sidewalk graffiti

A local Democrat has clearly hit the panic button--the graffiti on the left reads, "Republicans like lipstick on a pig." I took this picture during a 13 mile run--you'll find the bizarre statement on the sidewalk on the west side of Harms Road, just south of Golf, in Morton Grove. Five miles from Tony Rezko's mansion.

I was not aware of that of these porcine desires among Republicans. Elephant lipstick? Perhaps.

More chalk scribblings in my next entry.

Related post:

New McCain web ad: "Lipstick"

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talnik said...

Forget the chalk. Run up to Hackney's and get a burger and onion brick!

Marathon Pundit said...

That would have made the run a 16 miler. I ran 20 on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

13 miles? Pffftt...


That is a sure sign of the desperation of dems. I recall several instances of similar creative graffiti in Philly during the 04 elections.

Should have been more diligent about documenting it...