Up until recently, I though the Chicago area media was doing a pretty good job covering Barack Obama and his questionable associates, such as Antoin "Tony" Rezko, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Emil Jones and the like.
With the exception of the Chicago Tribune's John Kass, the media in Obama's hometown have been at best tepid in looking into Obama's ties to unrepentant ex-Weather Underground terrorist, Bill Ayers.
Reverse Spin's Dan Curry, a former newspaper reporter, hits the Chicago area media right on the noggin with his latest post.
A search of Tribune and Sun-Times stories, including numerous major profiles, have whitewashed Annenberg from Obama’s past. Obama himself dropped Annenberg from his resume but it's not hard to find it back in the mid-1990s when he was starting his political career and touting the post.
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They are much more interested in dishing the dirt on a 17 year old kid.
No surprises here Rubes. Only Kass and Novak do their jobs at either rag.
Witness nut-job Mary Mitchell the Cynthia McKinney of journalism.
"The dirt" on a 17 year old kid is illustrative of Gov. Palin's hypocrisy on her failed abstinence-only advocacy. And the rumors about Gov. Palin's infant were started in Alaska last spring by Lyda Green, the conservative Republican state Senate leader, not by liberals or the media.
And speaking of Gov. Palin, why aren't you and Mr. Ruberry concerned about her ties to radical Alaskan separatists of the "Alaska First" (not "country first") Alaska Independence movement?
These are people who want the 49th state to secede from the Union and be its own country. And Palin was a member and made a video supporting them and thanking them from her governor's office just this past year. Their founder even told his followers (including Gov. Palin) that he wanted to "d-mn" America.
Sounds familiar... as if someone on this blog was quite upset about someone affiliated with some candidate saying "G-d d-mn America"...
You can keep ignoring the hypocrisy of Sen. McCain's "lack of judgment" campaign in order to chase your wild gooses, but it seems more and more pointless with each passing day (and each new revelation about conservatives' own "The One").
Robin Vagicil! I thought I detected the great scent of estrogen!
Where's the rest of the girls?
To paraphrase another Ruberry commenter ("The Wolf"): "Stay classy, conservatives."
Thanks Pat for acknowledging the poor judgment McCain showed in picking the unvetted Gov. Palin by tossing out some 1st grade joke. ("Does your mama wear combat boots?")
Perhaps now you, like your fellow conservative commenter Greybeard, will ask about my underwear.
Anything to avoid discussing the facts about the McCain-Palin ticket, eh?
A gentleman never poses such a delicate question . . .why I blush;positively blush!
You and other group-thinkers are doing McCain/Palin no end of good.
Please, do stay focused and ardent.
Man, Rob...you act like the governor fixed her up with the guy so she would get pregnant.
Didn't Biden want to divide Iraq into three countries last year?
Good thing no one listened.
And Rob...
How do those Obama undies feel when they're in a knot?
Comfy, I'll bet.
Edible, Greybeard my hoary friend, edible.
Y'all need to get out more. ;)
Your 5-day old ticket is imploding under the weight of its own fallacies but far be it from you kool kidz to admit it.
The stadium you're in looks barely half full and it's not just because 2 or 3 states don't have all their delegates there. And the honest conservatives watching from home are coming out in droves to pan Gov. Palin's duplicity on everything from pork greed to administrative mismanagement. Try getting out and talking to real folks every now and then: you might learn something.
By all means, keep cuddling up with your fuzzy storylines if that's what makes you sleep better.
Rob...the stadium, like the Pepsi Center is half-full early on. It was close to capatity after 9pm last night. It will be SRO tonite at that time.
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