Here's another: "I have become a symbol of America returning to our best traditions."
Man is he full of himself. I have to keep asking: How many of Obama's bills have become law since he became a US Senator three-and-a-half years ago? But his campaign created its own presidential seal.
The ad is here...and it's hard to believe, but the late Charlton Heston, as Moses, makes an appearance.
Forward the ad on to your friends.
Is Obama ready to lead?
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Translation = Uppity. Black. Man.
First the McCain camp lied about the Obama military hospital visit with their "Troops" ad (at least they admitted)...
And now they have to pull a bunch of half-quotes to keep up their transparent "uppity black man" theme? (Are they really hoping people have already forgotten that Obama and Clinton were mocking each other with that "beam of light will shine down" quip?)
Why doesn't McCain talk about his plans for the economy like he said he was going to do? (Or is he really just scared because he has no ideas except all the failed ideas conservative Phil "Americans are Whiners" Gramm gave him before he was kicked out for admitting what conservative partisans really think?)
PS: Please keep posting that picture. It reminds our fellow Americans of how presidential Obama looks compared to what McCain's own people are calling his "childish" campaign.
(Sorry if this is a repost. Blogger.com was having issues.)
You're serious on that second post?
Former Mac strategist and stalwart Republican John Weaver was calling McCain "childish" earlier in the week. Today McCain's own 96-year-old mother declared the "Celeb" ad "kinda stupid" (her words). And the cherry on top? McCain's own campaign also admitted this week that they're liars.
So, yes, please continue to remind people how Presidential Barack Obama is compared to the childish, kinda stupid, lying guy you're supporting. ;)
Happenin' Highlighting there Rob'n =pick that up at Camp Obama from the Check-Kite Runner?
Hey Rubes how about this Willie Dixon Classic for Kid Hope?
Well I can tell your future before it comes to pass
And I can do things for you that make your heart feel glad
Look at the skies and predict the rain
I can tell when a woman's got another man
I'm the one, yes, I'm the one
I'm the one, I'm the one,
Now I can talk these words that sound so sweet
I can make your little heart even skip a beat
I can take you, baby, hold you in my arms
And make the flesh quiver on your lovely bones
I'm the one, yes, I'm the one
I'm the one, I'm the one,
Obama's Black?
I just thought he was an uppity half-white man.
Thanks Rob_n!
Are those cuckoo clocks I'm hearing...? ;) Grey, are you going to start parroting Rush Limbaugh and yelp "Halfrican!" every chance you get?
For the record Patty boy I've not attended any Obama training sessions, by Bob Creamer or anyone else, and don't intend to. And I'm just as disappointed in Creamer as you are.
But the links... those are simply the words of McCain's own supporters. The links are so folks like you can judge them for yourself.
FYI - there's an interesting take on the not-so-subtle allusions to the modern Dominionist interpretation of the Anti-Christ related to McCain's "One" ad. Seeing as how barely more than a week ago Fran Eaton over at Ill Review was comparing Obama to the Anti-Christ herself (in jest, but still) it's a telling point as the people who admittedly used conservative Evangelicals to rally the base for Bush take over Mac's campaign.
No Rob, I'm not inclined to talk about race much... I have no interest in it so far as political candidates are concerned. I leave it to Obama supporters like you to bring it up, as you have here on more than one occasion. ("Uppity Black Man" comment above.)
Thanks for showing YOUR colors, by the way.
And something else you pointed out...
Politics is serious business, but a sense of humor is imperative. If you get upset when something humorous is said about your candidate, you lose the political race. From your responses here, I'm questioning your sense of humor.
I think "the anointed one" would be pleased if you would lighten up and smile a little!
(Halfrican? I'll steal that. Thanks.)
Sense of humor is very important with candidates. Mike Dukakis has none, which is among the reasons he got clobbered. Kerry too. Bill Clinton has a great sense of humor--look at what happened to Bob Dole.
As for race--I'm biased: Against rude people of all races and creeds.
The person telling the joke always at least believes half (if not more) of what they're joking about.
And you're right, politics is serious business... which is why jokes about opponents end up alienating half the country.
Then again, if you're now calling the McCain campaign a joke... I agree, and so do many former McCain supporters.
Absolutely right Rob...
As is shown by polls!
(Slow but sure, changes in polls put a big smile on Obama supporters faces, right?)
Thanks for the smile you just put on my face.
Solififying polls are hardly anything new. Obama has consistently scored a plurality. Only when 3rd party candidates are not included in polls does McCain's position improve. The election's in November, not August.
McCain's trying to demonize Obama in order to bring his wary conservative base -- including yourself as you admitted over at Illinois Reason -- back to the GOP. It's the classic underdog position: get voters to vote against the other guy by trying to make him toxic. Lee Atwater, his trainee Karl Rove, and now Rove's own acolytes are taking the same low road the national Republican Party has had to rely on for decades now because they know their position on the issues are not shared by the nation's majority.
Indeed, these toxic ads only serve to help Team McCain avoid the fact that his solutions to our nation's greatest problems have already been failing for the past 8 years.
The fact that these vitriolic ads are registering, but only in very slight increments, is telling. Even honest conservatives are tired of Rove-style uber-partisanship.
(PS: It's funny that conservative partisans, who all too often complain of a "biased" media, keep pointing to the closest media polls they can find to soothe their egos. Meanwhile, actual poll composites indicate Obama still well ahead, with only a little float in a very few states. I don't doubt it will be a close election, but I also recognize the only poll that matters happens on Election Day.)
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