Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Audacity of the Cult of Change

I'm half-way through listening to the podcast from last night's Milt Rosenberg Extension 720 show. Unless the Chicago Cubs have a late night game, Rosenberg broadcasts each nightt at 9pm-11pm Central Time on WGN.

For the Barack Obama campaign, it's a devastating show. His guest was Stanley Kurtz, a writer for the National Review and the Weekly Standard. In the first half of the show, there are now major revelations about Barack Obama and his ties to ex-terrorist Bill Ayers. (See previous post.)

But the e-mail and telephone onslaught against WGN and the show is more bad news that free speech is under attack by the Obama campaign.

Several times during the show Rosenberg said that the Obama campaign was asked to send a representative to counter Kurtz. But what occurred was that Obama spokesperson Ben LeBolt asked Rosenberg's producer who the station manager was, then hung hp.

The podcast is here.

1 comment:

Levois said...

Gettin' a lil thin skinned, they are?