Most people outside of Chicago know Mariotti from his daily appearances on ESPN's "Around The Horn."
This guy is terrible. Mariotti regularly trashes athletes, coaches, and owners, but the coward doesn't have the guts to show up in a players' clubhouse to interview athletes--or to listen, face to face, to jocks' objections to what he writes.
Here's a sampling of the comments (complete with typos) about Mariotti's departure from the Sun-Times article announding his departure:
the painter wrote:
Spiro Agnew referred to the press as the natering nabobs of ngativism. Mariotti was a minfstation of that phrase. I never read him. To bad that it took the Sun-Times 17 yars to ralize it. I hope he was fired.
eric in chicago wrote:
Ironic that just yesterday I wrote about six paragraphs to the Sun-Times asking why they continued to employ an ignorant bigot, after his last piece in Beijing. And today, he's gone. I'm sure I can't take any credit for it, but I'm happy at the result anyway.
gobadgergo wrote:
Hooray! Hooray! What great news! Mariotti is the biggest turd I have ever read or seen, he will be missed by no one. What a waste of time and space having him in the paper everyday.He is the reason why the Tribune has been the paper of choice The next good column he writes will be the first one. Mariotti spelled backwards is worthless. Good riddance Jay, bad luck to you. A chimp writing a column will be a better read than you. You are better not seen or heard from ever again.
csherman1 wrote:
Good riddance. Biggest flip flopper in the history of Chicago journalism. No one knew when to attack when an athlete was down, and no one knew when to jump on a bandwagon better than Jay (see 2005 Sox World Series). The Sun Times will be better without a writer that is never accountable for his stories.
Some of Mariotti's supporters chimed in, but 90 percent of the posters are glad to see him gone.
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