But Obama was a community organizer, of course.
So it shouldn't be surprising that Obama, who could be president in six months, is the captain of the good ship chaos.
Jim Geraghty of The National Review's Campaign Spot explains:
Obama's campaign is often praised as disciplined and focused, but a good chunk of his flip-flops are a result of staffers who, we are later told, are freelancing or mischaracterizing the true views of the candidate. Based on how frequently Obama staffers contradict each other on fairly basic matters, there is a strong case to be made that an Obama White House would be chaos.
Obama's chief strategist David Axelrod to the Chicago Sun Times, July 25: The Pentagon "viewed this as a campaign event and therefore they said he should not come."
Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs, on Morning Joe, this morning: "We never said that the Pentagon prevented us from going."
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McCain's the one knocking over jars of apple sauce on his way to looking at cue cards in order to remember the price of milk even though he's standing in the dairy aisle... Just sayin'.
You can try to spin against the reality of how well-organized and efficient Sen. Obama's overseas trip was, but you just end up looking like a scarecrow as you grasp at straws.
Has the Obama campaign finally settled on an explanation over the snub of the troops?
It's the same explanation they had all along...
And now the McCain camp has admitted the ad was false; which they should've done from the get-go.
Who'd you rather have in the White House -- someone who consistently stands up for his values (Obama) or someone who lies to the American people (McCain)?
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