The first explanation was that the junior senator from Illinois had decided to cancel the visit because the campaign-funded trip might have been viewed as inappropriate. Later, the campaign blamed the Pentagon for classifying the visit as a campaign stop.
The Department of Defense disputed the original Obama spin -- and then the backspin.
As a U.S. senator, Obama most certainly could visit the wounded and brought office staff -- just not from his campaign. "(R)ather than go forward and potentially get caught up in what might have been considered a political controversy of some sort, what we decided was that we not make a visit and instead I would call some of the troops that were there," Mr. Obama told The New York Times.
He still could have visited had he kept his Big Media fawners behind. Presumably, that would have been too audacious for the self-proclaimed agent of change.
How many explanations is Obama going to give about the snub?
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Go figure, a historically conservative paper ignores the fact that the media had always been planned to be sequestered in the terminal, just like the media was kept away when Obama visited wounded troops at the Green Zone combat hospital in Baghdad.
Why are Sen. McCain and his supporters continuing to lie on this point? It's beneath you guys -- make your arguments based on facts, not petty lies.
What's with Dweebo, no one to play Keith Olbermann with at No Comment Alleyview?
Pat and John,
Dweebo? No wonder cons can't get anything done -- they're still in kindergarten.
Even the McCain camp is now admitting their own ad was false...
What's a partisan Mac supporter to do? :( (There's always calling people "Dweebo" I suppose.)
Besides, Pat, the Reviewers were clearly feeling picked on after pointing out all their over-the-top baloney and blatant inaccuracies over the past few days. Call it compassion for conservatism.
Yours truly.
Hey...this reminds me of (the original) Manchurian Candidate film, where drunken Sen. Johnny Iselin protests to his devious wife (played by Angela Lansbury) that he's getting teased about the varying numbers (fed to him by Lansbury) of Communists in the State Dept.
Life will be easier if the Obama campaign can settle on one explanation for not visiting the troops.
Life will be easier if the McCain campaign can stop lying in its ads.
Then we all-American progressives won't have to constantly remind people of the truth and we can have a real debate on the issues, including support for our military men and women.
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